Chen Taiji Video

Here is a video that Chen Jia posted on her Wechat feed. It features the four current masters of Chen Style Taiji, Chen Xiaowang, Chen Xiaoxing, Chen Ziqiang, and Su Jianping. It’s beautifully shot, but the music is horrible. The song, I believe, was written for this video. I will have a translation here in a bit of the song, just for kicks.

For my take on Chenjiagou, the village where this style originates, check out “The Birthplace of Chen Style Taiji.”

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Published on: August 31, 2014

Filled Under: Kung Fu People, Kung Fu Places, Video

Views: 6422

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One Response to Chen Taiji Video

  1. Qiqi says:

    Wonderful clip, thank you! LOL about the music. To me the song is nice, energizes me, though I can understand that this kind of music might not appeal to non-Chinese. =D (I’m Singaporean Chinese.)

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